Sunday, April 22, 2007

When the cat's away...

The mouse will WORK! I have spent the last two days cleaning the garage, cleaning the house and finding ways to stay busy. I'm not sure what I did for 17 years when I was single. I can't seem to find enough to do while Brett is in Dallas. One thing is for sure, I'm productive!

Brandon spent the last two days with me and it's been great having him here. I really enjoy spending 1:1 time with the kids.

Brett hired a guy to put the kids play-fort together and he and his son have been here for 5 hours putting it together. They have about 10 hours to go. This thing is massive and I'm so glad we didn't tackle it ourselves.

Well, I have tons left to do before I go to bed so I better get after it. I'm the type that pulls everything out to clean and now I've got a huge mess.

Hope everyone has a great week! It's now up to 60% chance of rain on Tuesday. Is JB ever going to play t-ball? We'll keep you posted!


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