Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well, it's been awhile. I keep saying I'm going to get better at this and the next thing I know, it's been weeks! Our lives seem to be moving at such a fast pace. We had another great week with the kids. Sierra lost her 5th tooth this past week and she looks really cute! She is now missing her front two teeth and one bottom tooth. She is also making a killing from the Tooth Fairy! Luckily, Sierra likes to save her money. I'm afraid JB will be like his older brother and money will burn a hole in his pocket.

So far, JB has only played one out of four t-ball games. It seems like it rains every Tuesday. I will keep everyone posted when the games resume.

We have been doing some home improvements around our house lately. We had a Pergola built on the back porch, purchased a HUGE wooden swing-set/fort for the kids, and in the next couple of weeks we have a landscaper coming out to re-do our backyard and add an above ground pool. I think we will be living in the backyard once we are finished. We decided to go with an above ground pool for now until JB gets a little older and because of our new addition "Pudge" a 12 week old Bulldog. Not sure Pudge could swim if he fell in. He is 12 weeks old and 17.7 lbs. He gained 4 lbs in one week!

Update on kids:
Brandon got a call from the Twins, but it was not a permanent position - only filling in for several catchers that were hurt so he respectfully declined. Please keep him in your prayers because this has been a very difficult time in his life. He still wants to play pro ball, but not much he can do at this point. He went ahead and applied at the Edmond Fire Dept (as a back-up plan) and scored a 94 out of 100 on the first test. He was in the top 10%. He is taking the second round of tests today. This isn't really what he wants to do, but feels he needs to have something - just in case.

Megan is doing well and only has 11 weeks to go until Hudson is here! We went Wednesday to her 3D ultra-sound. It was amazing! I can't believe what they can do. We could see little Hudson's face and he was constantly biting on his hands. He has chubby little cheeks and looks like a very large baby. He yawned several times during the ultra sound and Paul, you're going to like this, in one photo he had his hand in the "hook em horns" upside down and the technician said, looks like he's a Sooner! Megan is very happy and planning a November wedding.

Sierra is really growing up. I can't believe she will be 8 this fall. She is ready for summer to get here and always wants to help us. She is such a sweetheart and she and I go shopping whenever we get the chance!

JB is also changing daily. He has turned into such a little gentleman. Dad has really been working with him on his manners. The other day I took him to Target, and as we were leaving, he ran and opened the door and said, "ladies first". haha He is looking forward to being an "uncle" and talks about what he and Hudson are going to do. Poor Sierra is kind of out numbered with JB, Brandon, Hudson and Eli (her new little brother). I'm not so sure being the only little girl is such a bad thing :)

Brett is doing awesome at work. God has really blessed him. He leaves today for a business meeting in Dallas and then he's off to Florida (I think), in about a week. I am very proud of him and can't believe how far he has come in such a short period of time. Good things ahead!

My work is also busy. I have been in the process of hiring a Sponsorship Coordinator for the past month. She has been gone since April 13 and I think I'm in denial. I do not like interviewing people and so I keep putting it off. In the meantime, I'm doing my job and hers. I'm going to try and hire someone this week and hopefully things will slow down. The newspaper is really changing and becoming a Multi-Media company. We even have our own studio upstairs, podcast and are getting ready to hire on-aire personalities. Ever evolving... The nice thing is, our dept is growing and looks like this is the direction the company is headed.

Hope every one is doing well. I will try and post more often and keep every one up-to-date on our family.


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