Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Our "only" Child

This week we only have Pierce. Sierra went to the lake with a friend for the 4th of July holiday, and won't return until the 10th or 11th.

It is really nice to have that 1:1 time with your children. Pierce has been an ANGEL (just ask him:) and he is really enjoying the attention. I will have to say, I have laughed so hard my jaws hurt this week. He is SO serious, and funny at the same time. I really need to keep a journal to write all of this down - because as much as you think you'll remember, he says something new and I forget the last thing he said.

Pierce is a sweet, loving, funny, independent, smart, little boy. In fact, the other night we were outside looking for frogs. We found a huge toad in our front yard and Pierce bent down to pet it. Well, low-and-behold, this toad just sat there! Pierce not only petted the toad, he went and found 3 june-bugs to feed it. It is now his new best friend. I asked him how he got to be SO good with animals (and insects), and he said because he is just a smart animal doctor. He explained to me the reason he is so smart is because he eats a lot of smarties! Makes sense. I think I'm going to try it...can't hurt. He also asked me the other day if he could ride his electric scooter around the block. Now that we have sidewalks all the way around, we will let the kids ride around it "once" and check-in...we (or I) usually stand outside and wait until they get back - they also take walkie-talkies with them. But, knowing Pierce, and just that instinct that you get as a parent, I had a funny feeling about this. He gets distracted very easy and I just didn't know that he would actually just ride around the block, with no stops, and come straight home. Well, after what seemed like an eternity, I convinced Brett to jump on a scooter and go look for him. Not long after, here he comes, speeding on the side-walk, with dad behind on another scooter. He got to the house, jumped off his scooter, and said to me, "do you wanna know WHY I broke the rules?" and without a breath continued..."would you like a dog to die, huh, would you?" I acted very concerned and told him, of course not! He said he noticed a friends dog down at the pond and wanted to save it. He went to the friends house, they didn't believe him, so he had to take them there himself to prove it. All this to say - sorry mom, I didn't go around the block and come straight home. He was out of breath, dazed and just down-right horrified that a dog almost drowned! So he had to aide in it's rescue - which I found out later the dog always goes over to the pond to get a drink.

I could go has been a wonderful, fun, week with Pierce. Tomorrow Sierra will be home and it will be really good to see her. As much as you love ALL your children, sometimes it's nice to have that special time when you can concentrate on them one at a time.


1 comment:

Paul Burleson said...


You and BR keep these posts coming. Good stuff.


Our Family