Saturday, July 19, 2008


I'm usually pretty good about updating our blog. But for the life of me, I can't think of anything "interesting" to write about. Our life has been pretty low-key lately. Other than playing golf, swimming, and doing the occasional yard work, not much going on.

Thursday evening I came down with some kind of nasty stomach virus. By Friday morning, Brett had it too. We got the kids at noon on Friday, so that was pretty interesting. All we wanted to do was sleep, and when we weren't sleeping, we were in the bathroom throwing up. We were a sight to see! The kids felt sorry for us and pretty much stayed in their rooms watching T.V. I was bound and determined NOT to ruin their first day with us, so I loaded them up, and took them both to Target. I know I must have looked terrible, due to the number of people that were staring. Haven't they ever seen a woman white-faced, bent over walking with two small children?? Sierra got a new back-pack for school, and Pierce got a movie that he spent the evening watching (thank goodness for movies). Sierra left around 6pm to go to the lake with a friend. Pierce was an angel and watched tv with us until it was time to go to bed. We both are feeling better today...still moving a little slow, but I think we'll survive. Oh, did I mention, Megan was off work two days last week with the same thing? I felt like my face was on fire (but no fever), my eyes watered, my stomach cramped, and I couldn't keep anything down. Just wanted to give you the low-down in case you start feeling the same...again, no fun - and not interesting. Therefore, no blog lately.

Here's wishing you don't EVER get that nasty stomach virus. It's not a pretty.


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