Saturday, April 29, 2006

New Mexico State beats Louisianna Tech

Brandon was in great spirits when he called after the game last night. NMSU beat the top team in the conference last night and even though BL went 0-2 with two walks, he hit the ball hard both times. None of that seemed to matter, though, since they won the game.

Megan, SB, JB and me have been hanging out all morning staring out at the rain through the open front door (of course JB was not satisfied with just looking, so he made some laps actually out in the rain). Kelly has been doing some work this morning because this is one of the biggest weekends of the year for her with the kids marathon that is part of the Memorial marathon. SB and JB are running in the marathon for the kids tomorrow and we are getting ready to go get them both some new running shoes.

Brandon plays tonight at 7PM our time, so here's hoping to take two of three from LaTech! (And for some hits for BL!) :)


Friday, April 28, 2006


Yes, it's Friday and I'm excited. Hard to tell, huh?

It's been 4 days since we returned from Hawaii and I'm still having trouble adjusting to the time change. I just can't seem to get in bed at a reasonable hour. Not a bad thing because I seem to enjoy staying up late and getting things done. But boy, do I pay for it in the morning.

Just wanted to give everyone a little "pre-weekend" update. Sunday is the Kid's Memorial Marathon and we are the title sponsor again this year. But this year is a little different because not only am I working it, I've signed SB & JB up to run it! They are SO excited and I may even have to go buy them new "running" shoes tomorrow. Now, don't get me wrong, they aren't "actually" running 26.2 miles. The way the kids marathon works is they are "supposed" to run an accumulative 25 miles prior to Sunday morning and then that day, run 1.2 miles to finish off their marathon. We're doing it a little backwards, but I figured if they're going to be there anyway with us, they might as well run. The age of the race is 11 and under, so JB is a little young. But he thinks he's going to win. He looked at me the other day and said, "mamma, are there other kids running in this race?" I said "yes" and he said, "then only buy ME fast shoes." By the way...there are high school track teams that run along side the kids to make sure they don't get off track (and I'm sure me or dad will be running along side also)

I'll keep you posted how it turns out. Also, NMSU plays Louisiana Tech this weekend and the first game is tonight. Lot's going on this weekend!

Have a good one.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Time Change

Not only are we back, as you can see by the time, we're still on Hawaii time. It's only 7:30pm there and we're both WIDE awake! I'm sure in the morning we're going to be exhausted again. I'll make this short since I know I need to get in bed.

I haven't said much about it lately, but as the time ticks away I can't help getting a little emotional over BL's senior season. He only has two home series left of his college career, and one of those is Senior Day.

I've noticed he's been a lot more sentimental lately as well. This past week in Hawaii he talked a lot about college and his roommates. He even told us they've already planned to get together once a year for a reunion.

As hard as this is on me, I know it's got to be twice as difficult on BL. He's spent his entire life playing baseball, since he was 5. I also know he's extremely excited (and nervous) about the upcoming draft in June. The good thing is, he's turned it on when it counts the most, his senior season. He's still playing well and feels good not only behind the plate, but at the plate as well. He's hitting .314 and they play the #1 team in the WAC this weekend at home. Scott is driving to Las Cruces to watch him and Megan may go with him. Can't say that BL's had too many games without at least one family member there.

We'll keep you posted on this weekend's games. And I hope you will keep BL in your thoughts and prayers right now. A lot is getting ready to change in his life...and hopefully, all his hard work will pay off.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

New pics

Here is my favorite pic from the trip.

You can check out all (or most) of them by clicking here Hawaii Pics or by going to the photo album on the left and then clicking on Hawaii.


Home Safe

We're back from Hawaii with mixed emotions. We had a blast while we were there. It was so much fun to spend 1:1 time together and with BL. But it was also good to get home to the other three.

Unfortunately, we were unable to post anything after Saturday because my computer stopped working and Brett accidently dropped his "new" cell phone in the ocean. Oh well, we did get some pretty coral :)

The team lost both Friday and Saturday, but made a comeback on Sunday and looked like the old Aggies. They have at least 8 players out injured right now so it's been a tough road. Hopefully Luke, their All-American,will be back this coming weekend. Brandon had a great series behind the plate, and hit the ball hard, just to someone most of the time. The fans at UH were anything but nice. They not only got on our players, they got on our fans as well. And there were only a handful other than us, but we took it well. They sold beer at their stadium (which is unusual) so most of the harsh comments came from fans who had a little too much to drink. But as Brett said, that's baseball. And winning that last game, made it all worth it.

We got up early Saturday morning and went to Pearl Harbor with the team. That was a very touching experience. After Pearl Harbor, we took Brandon and one of his teammates to the North Shore area of Oahu. We walked along the shore and saw huge turtles. We had a great time. The boys left Sunday evening after they played. We stayed one more evening and left Monday at 6:30pm, Hawaii time. Not being the two sharpest tools in the shed, we decided to lay on the beach as much as possible our last day. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day. But, as you probably guessed, by the time we boarded our plane, we were already turning red. We both look like lobsters! Oh well, can't go to Hawaii and not lay on the beach.

Our trip home was pretty uneventful, other than the delay in Honolulu made us miss our flight in Dallas. We took the next flight out and arrived home around 11am today. We got off the plane in OKC, beet red, short sleeves and shorts in 40+ degree weather. Wasn't hard to tell where we had been.

Another great trip, and another reason to be thankful. We'll post some photo's of our trip and of the baseball games. Hope you enjoy!


Friday, April 21, 2006

Heading to the park in Honolulu

we are in our cabana getting ready to head over to the baseball field for the first game of the series. this series is big for brandon because it is on tv on the west coast and there will be a ton of people at the game and watching. we can't get access on kelly's computer, so I am posting from my phone, but wanted everyone to know we are having a blast. we spent the day site-seeing in waikiki with brandon, talked to megan and the little ones on the phone and then just relaxed and now are heading to the field. we'll update about the game later. bb

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Hello everyone, we're in Hawaii! We arrived around 1:30pm Hawaii time, which is 6:30pm in OKC. When we arrived, we got our car, drove to our hotel (which is more like a single unit or cabana) then we went to Dave & Busters to eat dinner. We were both starving since neither of us had eaten a meal all day. After dinner (or I guess it was lunch time here)we went for a walk on the is really pretty. Our plan tomorrow is to get up early and head to the beach for a little R&R before BL and the team arrives around 2:30pm. We will probably do some sight-seeing tomorrow and then the games are Fri-Sat-Sun. We don't leave until late Monday evening so we will have all day Monday as well.

Hope everyone is doing well and we will try and post each day (hopefully with some photos)


Monday, April 17, 2006

Wild One

No, I'm not talking about J.B., we took the kids to see the new movie The Wild. It was a cute movie about a dad (lion) who lost his son and the entire movie centers around finding him...kind of a remake of Nemo, only lions.

One more day until we go to Hawaii. Can't say I'm excited about leaving any of the kids, or leaving when work is so busy, but I'm anxious to see BL and to spend some 1:1 time with Brett. We've both been so busy lately so the break will be good.

For those of you who don't know, Megan got a job at Brett's office. She starts on May 8 and they are both really excited. She will be the receptionist and with her personality, will do a great job.

We've had our ups and downs (Molly) lately, but all in all, life is good.

We're very blessed.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hard day at our house

Today was a hard day at our house. Molly our 7 year old English Bulldog died. For those of you who knew Molly, she was one of the sweetest, easy going dogs you've ever been around. The ironic thing is, I woke up this morning and for some reason painted her finger nails bright pink (as she laid there completely still as usual). And JB gave her several treats when she woke up. And she even ran out in the field next to our house and played with the kids. She came back over and laid in the flower bed while we worked in the yard. When the landscapers showed up to plant trees, one of them said they had met her before and just loved her. I called her to come out and see him and she didn't move so I went over to get her up and I knew something was wrong...she still wouldn't move. Brett got down in her face and looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said, "honey, she's gone" It was like losing a child, Molly has been a part of our family for 7 years now. There have been a lot of tears shed all day long. My mom and Ezra (her husband) were on their way to our house to bring the trees so they took Molly to their land to bury her. I still can't believe she's gone...just doesn't seem real. I know for some of you you're probably thinking this seems a little "much" for a dog, but Molly wasn't just a dog, she was part of our family and will be greatly missed.


Friday, April 14, 2006

Everyday is Easter

Today is Good Friday and Sunday is Easter. Kelly and I went to the store and got stuff for Easter baskets for the kids last night. I keep thinking how fun it is and cannot wait for the easter egg hunt planned for Sunday. Don't think for a second that the video camera won't capture every moment to keep and cherish forever.

I'm also reminded how commercialized Easter has become. We want to make sure that we celebrate and have fun with all of the family as well as make sure that the little ones know the reason for the celebration.

Happy Easter to all and I hope everyone reading this can celebrate Easter every day like we do - the day that symbolizes the very reason we are able to have life with Him - not only now, but forever.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Can't See Hawaii for the Trees

This weekend we are receiving six trees from Kelly's mom and her husband. Luckily, my boss knows a good landscape guy and he is going to have his crew put them in for us. Just the thought of digging six holes 6X6X4 feet deep gives me the willies. Not that I ever shy away from work, but I tried to "start" digging twice and just never made it around to it. The nice things is that they will have a tree dolly so we can set the trees up where we think we want them, but then move them if we (Kelly) don't like where they are. The trees will add a lot to our backyard (and front) and give our place a more homey look and feel so we are excited.

Then on Wednesday we are leaving for Waikiki. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii and am finally getting to go and can't even say that I am that excited about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Brandon play, always am, but it's almost like it might as well be at the Ballpark in Bricktown, not across the ocean. I'm sure the minute we step off that plane and feel the sun, get an umbrella drink - it will sink in that we are in Hawaii. (Just can't see through to Hawaii yet because of those trees). :) BB

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A weekend in New Mexico

We made it back in one piece without any major meltdowns. Actually, the kids were perfect (whoever invented portable DVD players was a genius) They both turned on their video, put in their earphones and they were good to go! Of course Sierra had to have her four bags of peanuts each flight.

New Mexico was awesome. They have such beautiful weather and the scenery is so pretty this time of year. We went to ballgames each day (the team didn't do so well)but we had fun. Pierce and Sierra both made new friends and played all weekend. They also went swimming at the hotel and I took them shopping for Easter clothes (while dad and Scott played golf)

Sunday was a fast and furious day. The game started at 11am so we knew we had plenty of time to watch the game and then spend a little time with BL before our 4:30pm flight. But wouldn't you know that would be the game that went 12 innings. We had to leave before the game was over and rush to get to our gate on time.

My mom went with us and Megan drove with her dad so it was like a family reunion for Brandon. Although I wouldn't say he was in the best of moods considering the outcome of the games.

All in all it was a great weekend and we were really proud of the kids. Sierra talked about moving to New Mexico and how much she likes to fly. Who knows, she may be a world traveler someday :) Pierce just liked to look out the window at all the colors down below. Anything to keep him occupied.

A week from Wednesday we head to Hawaii to watch more baseball.

What more could you ask for.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Las Cruces, here we come

SB has been asking if she can pack since Monday. She is SO excited to get to see Bubba and she wants all of her clothes to fit just right and for us to make sure that she takes her best clothes so that she looks good for him. JB wants to see the kid that came up to him the last time we were in Las Cruces and said (to JB), "Shut up, shut up, shut up". (That is kind of an inside joke. It really did happen, and JB was VERY good about not saying anything rude back to the kid, but for a whole year now we have heard it from JB about "the kid that said shut up, shut up, shut up" - obviously for the sole purpose of giving JB the freedom to say that not so nice word).

Megan is going with Scott (her dad). They are leaving in the morning and were nice enough to take some of our stuff for us (JB's carseat, sleeping bags, blankets, and my golf clubs) so that we don't have to take them on the plane. Funny how when we take a trip with the little ones, you'd think we were moving in for a year by looking at all of the stuff we take.

Margaret is flying with Kelly and me. She already has bags for each little one packed (with I'm sure only "healthy" foods - like Twizzlers, bubble gim, suckers, etc). Kelly and I were walking out the door dividing tasks out in the day to try to make sure that we get everything done.

My main job is to make sure that we get there with all of the electronics. SB's portable DVD player for the plane - with her Bratz movies, JB's portable DVD with all of his Batman movies and the video camera. I don't care what anyone says this time, I am taking video! :)

All this to say: Everyone is very excited to go to Las Cruces and get to be together while watching BL play some baseball and hopefully get to spend some time with him.

Brandon is tearing it up. He is really playing well and is not only in the top ten in many of the categories for the WAC, but leading some as well. Here is a link to that page if anyone is interested:WAC Stats

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Miss my hubby

Funny to think I was divorced for 17 years. Brett has been gone on a business conference since yesterday and I've been counting the hours until he gets back. I can't believe I spent so many years alone. Probably a good thing he doesn't leave more often because I get bored and find things to do...or buy. I got up and started running errands. I bought new running shoes and workout clothes...which I'm going to start doing again. Brett told me he would start running with me and I'd like to train for a 1/2 marathon. Not sure when I'm going to have time to do that, but SB told me the other day she wants to start running with me :) Then I went and bought flowers. I came home and planted flowers until 6pm. If I wasn't sore before...I am now!

The only good thing about Brett being gone was I got to spend 1:1 time with Megan. I forget how much fun it is just to sit around and talk to her. She is such a sweetie!

I mentioned in my last post that we're leaving for NMSU this week. Megan is also going, but she is driving with Scott (her dad). And we are taking my mom with us. It's going to be like a reunion. BL will have 7 people there watching him and he seems excited. Good news...NMSU won today, bad news...they lost their All American to an injury last night and said he may be out for 4-6 weeks. BL played first base today (which was weird) but I guess they just wanted his bat in the lineup. I talked to him after the game and he said he didn't mind it for a change.

I pick up the lil ones after work tomorrow and Brett gets home tomorrow night. I can't wait to see everyone.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Life starts over April 2

I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Every inch of my body hurts and I'm sure tomorrow will be worse. For those of you that I've talked to lately, you know that my life has been consumed with my companies first annual Health & Wellness Fair. This was a huge undertaking and one that none of us realized was going to be so time consuming or stressful. BUT IT'S OVER!!! And best of all, it was a huge success. The weather was beautiful, the vendor booths were full and the people came. Whew...I haven't been this happy a promotion is over in a long time. But it's good and it's rewarding to think you took an idea and made it work. But now I'm ready to rest for a while. Just for a glimpse of what my weekend has been like so far, I started at 1pm on Friday setting everything up, left that evening around 10pm, went back at 4:30am this morning and got home around 7pm. Makes for a LONG day. Okay, enough of my whining.

I'm sitting here listening to NMSU play Fresno State and BL just hit a 2 run homerun. NMSU is leading 6-3. We're leaving this Friday to take SB & JB to New Mexico to see Brandon. They are really excited, they haven't seen him since December. We are flying this time, with the kids the drive is just too much.

Man, the storms just hit our area and it is raining like crazy! What a blessing that the storms held off until now. Our Health Fair was partially outdoors...we had a rock climbing wall, inflatables, free health screenings, autographs by Mat Hoffman, HoneyBees, Yard Dawgz dancers, etc... I can't imagine this hitting when everyone was at the fair.

Update on SB...she does have mono and seems to be doing better. She is still tired, but eating better. Hopefully she is past the contagious stage and on the road to recovery. Bless her heart, for about a week she had a low grade fever and all she wanted to do was sleep. Tough on those lil ones.

Hope everyone is doing well and maybe now our lives will slow down and we'll have more time to communicate with everyone.

Don't forget to "spring ahead" tonight:)

Our Family