Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hard day at our house

Today was a hard day at our house. Molly our 7 year old English Bulldog died. For those of you who knew Molly, she was one of the sweetest, easy going dogs you've ever been around. The ironic thing is, I woke up this morning and for some reason painted her finger nails bright pink (as she laid there completely still as usual). And JB gave her several treats when she woke up. And she even ran out in the field next to our house and played with the kids. She came back over and laid in the flower bed while we worked in the yard. When the landscapers showed up to plant trees, one of them said they had met her before and just loved her. I called her to come out and see him and she didn't move so I went over to get her up and I knew something was wrong...she still wouldn't move. Brett got down in her face and looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said, "honey, she's gone" It was like losing a child, Molly has been a part of our family for 7 years now. There have been a lot of tears shed all day long. My mom and Ezra (her husband) were on their way to our house to bring the trees so they took Molly to their land to bury her. I still can't believe she's gone...just doesn't seem real. I know for some of you you're probably thinking this seems a little "much" for a dog, but Molly wasn't just a dog, she was part of our family and will be greatly missed.


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