Saturday, April 29, 2006

New Mexico State beats Louisianna Tech

Brandon was in great spirits when he called after the game last night. NMSU beat the top team in the conference last night and even though BL went 0-2 with two walks, he hit the ball hard both times. None of that seemed to matter, though, since they won the game.

Megan, SB, JB and me have been hanging out all morning staring out at the rain through the open front door (of course JB was not satisfied with just looking, so he made some laps actually out in the rain). Kelly has been doing some work this morning because this is one of the biggest weekends of the year for her with the kids marathon that is part of the Memorial marathon. SB and JB are running in the marathon for the kids tomorrow and we are getting ready to go get them both some new running shoes.

Brandon plays tonight at 7PM our time, so here's hoping to take two of three from LaTech! (And for some hits for BL!) :)


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