Sunday, February 26, 2006

Another Building Block

We didn't start this blog just to brag about Brandon. I swear it. But he is doing so well, and everything seems to be coming together for him so much that alot of our time and energy is devoted to following him and his journey in baseball, so we want to keep everyone up to date on what is going on with him.

The Major League organization that we have been in contact with about Brandon was in Las Cruces to watch BL and two other guys on New Mexico State's team this weekend. Brandon proceeded to go 7 for 15 for the series and play spectacular behind the plate on defense as well. As mentioned in an earlier blog, this is what we have been waiting for, for a team to give him a chance just to get the upper levels of their scouting tier to watch him. He produced. As if that is not enough - another organization gave Brandon a questionare to fill out for their scouting group during the weekend. Brandon told me that the scout for that team had spoken with his pitching coach and said that they were going to be very aggressive in going after Brandon and that they loved him.

All of BL's hard work is beginning to see fruit. He is to the point now where he is relaxing at the plate, knowing that the question when he comes up to bat is not whether he will hit the ball, but instead the question is what the result will be (whether it will be a single, double or homerun) after he crushes the ball. They continue to have him in the four hole covering the All American in the three hole (who by the way is getting pitched to now, because they know that they don't want to face BL because he is so hot right now) which means that Brandon is going through this stretch hitting offspeed pitches instead of fastballs.

Gary Ward (former coach of Oklahoma State, and father of head coach Rocky Ward of New Mexico State) was on the radio today and spoke very highly of Brandon's continued success at the plate and the leadership that he is providing to NMSU right now. He said many things that were highly complimentary of Brandon - and he is not a person that doles out compliments often.

This is a very fun time right now, and exciting to say the least. (Just don't mention to "Mama" that this is Brandon's senior year unless you have a full box of tissue handy). What a time, though, to be involved in someone's life as they are about to achieve a goal that they have set for themselves since the age of five or six.

Tuesday is the next brick in the road. Versus New Mexico University......

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday was Good

Northern Colorado beat New Mexico State today. That was not supposed to happen. On a positive note, Brandon continues to shine in games where it counts for him personally. He went 2 for 4 today with two doubles and two RBI.

He told me after the game that he didn't see one fastball today, only sliders which is a testament to how well he is hitting the ball only seeing offspeed pitches. Northern Colorado went right at New Mexico State's All American (who BL is covering being in the four hole) which says that they realize how well Brandon is hitting right now.

BL said that he couldn't tell which person was there to see him because there were so many "scouts" in the stands. He continues to shine at the right moments when specific people are there to see him in particular. His senior year is continuing to be a good one, in fact, he has probably done enough already to solidify his goal in reaching the next level where everything that he does from here on is just "icing on the cake" and will only lead to bigger and better things for him.

He never ceases to amaze me in the way that he can perform under intense circumstances, but I only hope that he is enjoying his last year of college baseball. These games only lead me to believe that it is not his last year in baseball, but just his last year as an "amateur".

We always hope that NMSU wins each game, but if they don't, at least it takes the sting away knowing that BL had a good day in front of an important audience.

Here is the link to the article on NMSU's website:NMSU Article


Big Weekend

We just got word that the scout that has been watching Brandon turned BL's name into his boss (the crosschecker)with the organization. That in itself is the next big step that we have been waiting on for Brandon. As the conversation played out, come to find out the crosschecker is going to Las Cruces for this weekend's series against Northern Colorado (starting today)to watch Brandon play. We hesitated to tell BL this, only to save him from undo pressure, but decided best that he know. As he said after I told him about it, "It seems to have worked so far this year" - meaning that every time we have let him know that someone is there to watch him, he seems to only play better and have a great game. To me that is the sign of a player that can go a long way, one that plays his best when the "heat is on". The good thing about baseball is that the scouts don't have to have the statistical results as a measuring stick because they break down a player in so many different situations and skill tests. Not to say that 3-4 games and grandslams (which BL has had when they have been there) don't help, they do. But more importantly is how he handles himself in clutch situations emotionally and through leadership skills.

Anyway, it's an exciting day (weekend) no matter what happens because this can be like a spider program in a computer - where people talk and it will only lead to more people seeing Brandon and realizing just how good he really is.

Megan is sick. Poor girl has had bronchitis for probably three weeks and just kept fighting it off until finally going to the doctor yesterday and getting some medicine for it. Hopefully this will lead to her quick recovery. I'm excited because we have a position at my office that may be coming open in the next couple of weeks and Megan is the leading candidate for the position. Pretty good paying, and I know it is something in which she will be really good.

We'll let everyone know how the "big weekend" goes.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wish we were there...

This one's too good not to start at the beginning. So I hope I do it justice.

Yesterday NMSU played NMU in Albuquerque. This is their big rivalry and NMU beat them the first time they met this season and was coming off a huge win where they took 2 out of 3 against Arizona this past weekend.

First, Brett spoke with the MLB Scout on the phone yesterday that had been at the game when we were in Las Cruces and he informed him that he would be at the game watching BL and a couple other players on his team. Brett called BL to tell him and he was on the bus headed to the game. He was throwing up and said he thought he had the flu. Brett called me at the office and said it's a good thing you didn't talk to him because I'm afraid the way he sounded, you would have gotten in your car and driven out to take care of him. What a horrible feeling to know your child is sick, hundreds of miles away and there's nothing you can do about it.

Next thing we know, we look on the computer to watch the live stats of the game and not only is BL playing, he hit his second homerun of the season and had his best college game ever! He went 3-4, with a homerun and 3 RBI's. And the scout got it on video again!

BL called after the game and said he went to Rocky and told him he wanted to play. So the trainer hooked him up to an IV and pumped some fluid back in him. He still wasn't feeling very well "physically" after the game, but mentally he was 10' tall and bullet proof. Maybe they should give him extra fluids before every game!

If you get a chance, go to their website at and read about the game.

Man, it's hard being so far away. Wish we were there.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

What a difference a day makes

NMSU won 10-8 today taking 2 out of 3 from Gonzaga this weekend. BL rested most of the game, but came in to pinch hit in the 8th. With the score 9-8, a runner on second and one out, BL hit a double off the wall scoring a run and putting the Aggies up by two. Nothing like a little pressure! He had two strikes on him when he got his hit. He's going to cause his poor mom to live a very short life :) The Aggies take on New Mexico Tuesday and that should be a good game.

Brett went to the store this morning and bought two sleds and ski masks for everyone. He pulled SB & JB up and down the street all morning until they all got so cold they had to come in. They had a blast. I opted to stay in and clean house (stay warm)

Hopefully the snow will melt soon. I love the snow, but only for a short period of time. Now I'm ready for the warm weather again.

Speaking of warm weather, we're already planning our next trip to Las Cruces. We're going to take SB & JB soon. They were really good on the airplane last time and JB LOVES going out on the field with the big boys.

Hope everyone stays warm!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Better Days

Just a quick update...

NMSU has seen better days. They lost to Gonzaga 14-4 this afternoon. BL played a good game defensively, but had a tough time at the plate. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Man, was it ever cold today! We spent most of the day inside, but did manage to bundle up the kiddo's (Megan & Jared included) and went out and played in the snow. We even took JB's remote control Hummer outside and drove it through the ice and snow.

Stay warm and we'll post more after tomorrow's game.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Wishing for New Mexico

Sitting at the computer listening to the sleet hit the window sure has a way of making you want to be in New Mexico. The Aggies beat Gonzaga today 5-2. This is a good test for New Mexico State, as Gonzaga had beaten Arizona State and Oregon State last week and were named the national team of the week by at least two publications.

They have moved BL to the four hole. Main reason for this is to cover their All American in the three hole since no one is pitching to him and BL seems the best fit to do this. My only fear with him being in the four hole (as big a compliment as it is), is that he won't see as many pitches to hit. He will be fine, however, since he does some of his best hitting with two strikes. Brandon went 1-4 with a walk today which extends his hitting streak to six games. He was great behind the plate (as usual) and at one point made a tag at the plate, blocking the runner from ever even getting close. That run would have tied it up at the time. It is always good to get a win especially against a team that everyone in the nation was "buzzing" about. Here's to hoping NMSU can win the series. Here is the article on today's game. We'll let everyone know about tomorrow and Sunday's games:NMSU Article

We went to SB's Family Fun Night tonight at her elementary school. She enjoyed seeing all of her friends from her class in a different setting. Can't say that I enjoyed it all that much, but after you teach elementary for five years, I don't think Family Fun Night is any teacher's idea of a Friday night. I think the fact that both Kelly and I worked at SB's Valentine's party on Tuesday helped - getting to meet other parents. But all in all, it was good and we had a lot of fun after getting home - just hanging out and watching the Incredibles. JB was good, and that is always a concern. (He always seems to surprise me).

Megan is staying with a friend tonight, so we told her if the roads were bad to call me and I would come get her. Better safe than sorry.

That's about it...... Until tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Life in the Fast Lane

Whew, I don't know about everyone else, but there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day! Just wanted to update everyone on our wonderful Valentine's Day. First, we worked at Sierra's party at school and she was so excited to see us. She is so much like Megan, very much in control of her class. Then when Brett picked them up from daycare, JB informed him that Lauren (his teacher at daycare) and momma were his Valentine. He assured me later at dinner that I didn't have to worry, I rank right up there with Lauren. :) We made cupcakes, played games and read books. It was a fun evening. And to top it off, Megan was home and shared it with us...what more could we ask for.

NMSU is playing Gonzaga in a three game series this weekend. Stay tuned, we'll keep you informed through the blog how they're doing.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Keep us posted on what's going on in your life.


Monday, February 13, 2006

New Photos in Photo Album

The Media Guide for 2006 came out with BL on the front(see bottom right corner), so we thought we would post it. We put some pics of our trip in our photo album under the heading "NMSU vs Washington Series". Check them out. Also, here is a link to an article on about the game on Friday.

  • NMSU Article -
  • Sunday, February 12, 2006

    A Career Day

    Our trip to New Mexico was a memorable one. We couldn't have picked a better weekend for our first trip of the 2006 season. Before the game started, I visited with a scout from one of the MLB teams (my favorite since being JB's age) who had seen BL play on Tuesday and was back for another evaluation. Brandon hit the ball hard his first three times up, but had nothing (as far as stats) to show for it. His fourth time up he got a basehit (which brought his hitting streak to three games - it is now standing at five games). At the time, the game was getting out of hand, as Washington was beating NMSU 7-3, so the base hit at least brought something good to the table. They extended their lead to 11-3 in the top of the eighth and it was getting hard to watch. A couple of hits and walks later, NMSU had gotten the lead down to 4 (11-7) and had the bases loaded with BL at the plate. It was intense. He hit a "no-doubter" over the scoreboard in left to tie the game (they ended up winning in the bottom of the eleventh 11-12). When I say no-doubter, I mean it was the type where everyone was off of their seats before it left the infield. The type where he could have stayed in the box until it came down on the softball field. But he didn't, he just gave an extra flip of his bat. It was amazing.

    After some of the euphoria had settled down, the scout walked by Kelly, Scott (BL's dad) and me and said, "I bet that was exciting for you guys", we all agreed, and he said, "Well, I got it on film" as he held up his video camera. It was the "chance" we had all been waiting for, and BL delivered. Many times I have heard of someone getting drafted and hearing after the fact that it happened because of one game or one at bat. If (when) he gets drafted this June, and if it is with that organization, I think it may be because of his game on Friday February 10th. He ended up playing all three games of the series and was 5-14. It was a very good weekend and trip.

    Megan took the little ones to daycare for us on Friday and we have some funny stories from that morning (although Megan doesn't think they were all that funny because some of them occurred at about 6:15AM, which meant that she was awake that early). She is VERY good with them and we appreciate all that she does. She has a tendency to whip them into shape when we are gone.

    Kelly and I treated this weekend as our Valentine's Day. We had a great time getting to see BL play, getting to take him out to eat and spend some time with him, and just getting to relax. Kelly actually read a whole book on the trip. She FLEW through it! I'm very proud of her. She can no longer claim to be a "slow reader".

    The trip from El Paso to Dallas is always "bumpy", but I guess the weather front that came through OKC this past week was in Dallas because the flight had extra turbulence and the landing was a little hairy. But we made it....

    I'll post some pictures from our trip once I download them tomorrow at work.

    Kelly is already in bed, so I am going as well. We are emotionally drained (in a good way).

    Best to all of you.

    Wednesday, February 08, 2006

    Baseball Bound....

    I can't wait! Our first trip of the 2006 season. We're headed to NM this weekend to see BL play baseball.

    The season hasn't started quite like he thought, but that's not always a bad thing. Sometimes starting slow means finishing strong at the end (at least that's what I keep telling myself). When we're not there, we're watching it via live feed on our computer, it's awesome! Although I think I get just as nervous, if not more, than when I'm there watching him in person.

    Beautiful weather, great baseball and seeing our son...priceless.


    Monday, February 06, 2006

    New Pics

    We added some new pictures of the house and of Megan. Go check them out and let us know what you think.

    Thursday, February 02, 2006

    15 hours and counting...

    It's almost here, the first game of BL's senior season. I have such mixed emotions.....happy, nervous, sad. It's so much fun watching him and seeing his excitment right now. But on the other hand, it's sad to think this is his last college season. Brett keeps telling me it's the beginning of a new life for him. I love that about Brett, he's so positive. There is no doubt in his mind that BL will be playing at the next level a year from now. For me, I just want to enjoy the moment, see every game possible, and take it all in. Man, how time flies. We'll keep everyone posted and feel free to jump on their website and follow the team. We love that about our family...everyone is so supportive. Just keep in mind when you see me, I may be a little more emotional than usual, and I may seem preoccupied at times, but don't take it personal, this is a tough year for me. I want nothing more than for BL to follow his dreams and to achieve everything he's worked so hard for. And I know he will.


    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    Family Albums Link

    We have updated more pictures to the "Family Album" link, so be sure and check them out. We have purposefully left out pics of our little ones for their privacy. Hope you enjoy and we'll continue to add photos. And remember... visiting a blog and not leaving a comment is like calling someone and not leaving a voice message. :)

    Our Family