Friday, February 24, 2006

Big Weekend

We just got word that the scout that has been watching Brandon turned BL's name into his boss (the crosschecker)with the organization. That in itself is the next big step that we have been waiting on for Brandon. As the conversation played out, come to find out the crosschecker is going to Las Cruces for this weekend's series against Northern Colorado (starting today)to watch Brandon play. We hesitated to tell BL this, only to save him from undo pressure, but decided best that he know. As he said after I told him about it, "It seems to have worked so far this year" - meaning that every time we have let him know that someone is there to watch him, he seems to only play better and have a great game. To me that is the sign of a player that can go a long way, one that plays his best when the "heat is on". The good thing about baseball is that the scouts don't have to have the statistical results as a measuring stick because they break down a player in so many different situations and skill tests. Not to say that 3-4 games and grandslams (which BL has had when they have been there) don't help, they do. But more importantly is how he handles himself in clutch situations emotionally and through leadership skills.

Anyway, it's an exciting day (weekend) no matter what happens because this can be like a spider program in a computer - where people talk and it will only lead to more people seeing Brandon and realizing just how good he really is.

Megan is sick. Poor girl has had bronchitis for probably three weeks and just kept fighting it off until finally going to the doctor yesterday and getting some medicine for it. Hopefully this will lead to her quick recovery. I'm excited because we have a position at my office that may be coming open in the next couple of weeks and Megan is the leading candidate for the position. Pretty good paying, and I know it is something in which she will be really good.

We'll let everyone know how the "big weekend" goes.


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