Friday, March 06, 2009

Life of leisure

This is how Pierce spends his mornings before school. Camped out on the couch - blanket and tv tray (with Ramen noodles of all things). I have finally gotten him to the point that if he wants/needs something, that he get up and come and get me. He used to just yell, "MOM" until I came in to see what he needed. I changed that pretty quickly. :)

On another note...we kept Hudson Monday and Tuesday this week. I am so amazed how good he is. He minds...seriously he does. If he gets something out, he will put it back. He cleans up his toys when he is finished playing. And, if he does something (like hit) you tell him to go to time-out and he actually walks over and sits in his time-out place. Now, he will give you a "mad face" until he gets out of time-out, but he will sit there. Oh, and did I mention he is only 21 months old?? He and Pierce are really close. They play non-stop when he is here. This past week Pierce taught him to say - Baby and Pierce. He would walk around the house yelling PIERCE! Megan called the house last night and handed the phone to Hudson and he kept yelling PIERCE into the answering machine. Cutest thing I've ever heard! Pierce keeps begging us if he can come back over and spend the night so he can teach him new words. One thing I forgot to mention...he is already starting to be potty-trained. I know, you're saying I sound like a bragging grandma. I'm just amazed at how quickly he is learning and how well he minds. Not to mention he is the cutest kid alive. Okay, now I'm bragging :)

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