Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Redeeming Love

I just finished a great book called Redeeming Love. It is fiction, which I normally don't read, but it was recommended to me by a friend so I thought I would give it a try. I loved it! If you are looking for a good book, I recommend this one. A little mushy at times, but good writing and great message.

In "Note from the Author", she writes...

Writing Redeeming Love was a form of worship for me. Through it, I was able to thank God for loving me even when I was defiant, rebellious, contemptuous of what I thought being a Christian meant, and afraid to give my heart away. I had wanted to be my own god and have control of my life the way Eve did in the Garden of Eden. Now I know to be loved by Christ is the ultimate joy and fulfillment. Everything in Redeeming Love was a gift from the Lord: plot, characters, theme. None of it is mine to claim.
~Francine Rivers~

Great book!

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