Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tis the be sick!

Monday evening sickness suddenly hit Brett. He turned white, headed for the bathroom, and then went to lay down. I first thought maybe it was food poisoning, but then I wasn't sick...yet. We both went to bed and before we knew it, we were both in separate bathrooms. This happened all night long - throwing up every hour ALL NIGHT LONG. At one point, me, Brett and Pudge (our bulldog), were all throwing up at the same time. I opted out on cleaning that up...glad it wasn't my dog. :) Around 2:30am, I received a text from our oldest daughter Megan that she was sick - same thing. Guess we all had a stomach virus or a slight case of the flu. Whatever it was (or is) it is nasty. We didn't get out of bed all day on Tuesday, and crawled out of bed today around 9am, now we're both down again. Fever, body aches, throwing up...UGH!

The bright side is at least we got it over with before Christmas.

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