Friday, October 31, 2008


Today is Halloween. I can't remember a recent Halloween that the weather has been so nice. Unfortunately, this is the first Halloween in four years that we have not had Sierra and Pierce. They are both excited and plan to dress-up as Princess Laya and a Ninja. Pierce keeps saying he is coming over here to trick-or-treat, but I think they will probably stay at the other house and go in that neighborhood. Either way, it is about them having fun and we are so blessed that which ever house they are at, they are loved and will have fun.

Hudson is dressing up as a Sock Monkey this year. He is not quite as excited as Aunt Sierra and Uncle Pierce about the whole trick-or-treat festivities - see picture below. This was taken at Haunt the Zoo the other evening.

I remember it took Pierce until he was about 4 years old to really enjoy it. I'll never forget when he was around 3 years old, we were trick-or-treating in our old neighborhood and an older boy with a really scary mask came up to him. He dropped his candy bucket, started crying, and ran as fast as he could toward our house. I thought he was going to be scarred for life! haha Now he wants to be the one dressing up in a scary mask scaring the small children. I guess pay-back time! Oh, how life does cycle.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween...and enjoys the nice weather this weekend. I don't think it's going to last much longer.


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