Friday, May 23, 2008


We went to the airport last night - along with about 40 other people to greet new baby Shiloh. (Photos: Jenn and her brother holding Shiloh at the airport, and Jenn, Shiloh and Flipe getting off the plane). She is as beautiful in person as she is in her pictures. It was so awesome and touching moment when they walked off the plane. We all had pink balloons tied around our wrists and Brett had made a sign for me to hold up that read "WELCOME HOME SHILOH". Flipe and Jenn were very touched, and tired. It has been a long journey, but they are finally home. Jenn's parents and two brothers were there and they couldn't wait! One of her brothers is leaving today to pick up their new baby boy from Ethiopia. What lucky children to have such loving parents.

Brett took a lot of pictures at the airport and we will post them as soon as possible.


1 comment:

Jenn said...

It was really great to see Shiloh jumping from person to person without a fuss. She must have sensed all the love. Thanks again for everything Brett and Kelly!! The sign will remain in her room.

Our Family