Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mother's Day

~A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie~

How true that is. Isn't it funny how much your world changes once you become a mother? Your whole world is wrapped up in your children and your family. When at other times you would have been famished, all of a sudden you are no longer hungry now that there is only enough food for your children. I used to hear people say I don't know what I did before I had children. Once you have them, you know exactly what they mean. Even grandchildren...when Hudson comes over, we stop everything we're doing and all of our attention goes to him.

I guess not all mother's are the same - a lot depends on their role models. I, for one, had a mother that would give her life for her children. She sacrificed her own happiness many times so that my sister and I could do what made us happy. She not only came to all our dance competitions, cheerleading clinics, etc... she never missed any of my children's events. She is one of a kind. She has a kind heart and supports me, no matter what the circumstances. She may not always agree, but she is there to support me and help me through. She was an excellent teacher and mentor and I couldn't have asked for a better mother. And 3-1/2 years ago, I was fortunate enough to marry into a family that is similar to my own. Very caring - that are now our "friends" rather than our parents.

As Mother's Day approaches, this year is a little different. Not only am I celebrating my mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, but I'm also celebrating my daughter as a new mother. Hudson will be 1-year old May 29th. It has been such a joy to watch Megan this past year raise her own child. She is an excellent mother and doesn't take anything for granted. She spends all her spare time with Hudson and as most first time mothers do, she never quite trusts anyone to care for him the way she does. GOOD FOR HER. That just means she loves him enough to make sure he is being cared for properly. What a wonderful circle of life to experience...being a daughter, mother, now a grandmother. I am surrounded by wonderful, caring, women in my life.

What a great way to spend Mother's Day.

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