Sunday, March 23, 2008

Traditional Easter

I always bucked the trend of a traditional Easter. Yes, the kids are having an easter egg hunt later today. Yes, we left a note from the Easter Bunny saying that he (or she) drank the milk that they left him (her). Yes, we are getting together with Kelly's family (just an excuse to get together).

BUT, we also prayed together last night and tried to have an educational prayer (I don't think God minded) about what Easter really is, and that for a Christian, every day is Easter.

There in lies the problem for me. I hate how Easter is commercialized in America (maybe the world). I hate the fact that people dress differently for church on that day. I hate the fact that eggs (from a rabbit) are what symbolize Easter.

Then something clicked with me. I also hate the fact that Valentine's Day is supposed to be this huge day that I let my wife know that I love her. I love my wife EVERY DAY. I try to show her every day, but probably fail miserably.

In correlation with Valentine's Day, I STILL take my wife to dinner, or get her flowers or a gift that she really wants. I try to let her know that I love her every day, but still wanted to get her something for Valentine's just because of that love. It seems the same with Easter. Every day is Easter to me. But that doesn't mean that I have to be so cynical that I don't celebrate Jesus raising from the dead on that day.

SO - I celebrate Easter today.

It is just that I will celebrate Easter tomorrow too.....


1 comment:

Paul Burleson said...


EXCELLENT. You've captured the truth of both seeing the real meaning and sharing the cultural tradition. The first is essential and the second can be a good time for all but unimportant if the real meaning is lost.

I think that's the way most of life really is. You hit a homerun with this.


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