Monday, February 11, 2008

Life Is Good

Well, I survived my first full week off work. Last week was interesting, and looking back, almost comical. I had Sierra, Pierce and Hudson all week. I spent most of the week, transporting kids to school, going to book fairs, open house, and oh, did I mention, Brett was in Nashville at a conference. I think it was good because it prepared me for anything I might have to deal with in the future. I'm ready!

This week is a little slower. I will be researching and reading a lot about our new business. I will also spend the time getting things in order (boxes from my old office). I'm looking forward to a little down time this week, but have to say, no matter how hectic it was last week, I feel a sense of peace about my decision. I have the type of personality that if I am going to do anything, it is going to be 110%. I didn't feel like I could do that in my old job. Something was going to be neglected...either my family or my job. Staying home will help me with that balance. I already see a difference because I'm not constantly worried about what I need to do on Monday. It feels good to relax a little and not always be stressed.

Life Is Good.

~The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it~

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