Monday, January 28, 2008

Last Week

Well, it's finally here, my last week at the newspaper. I think I'm in denial because I haven't boxed everything up yet. I've been doing a little here and there, but 18 years is a long time...and a lot of stuff! I'm sure I will get to it, maybe Thursday evening. I keep waiting until the last minute. It's difficult to go to an empty office, so I have put it off as long as I can. And the people...they are what I will miss the most. I have a lot of good friends at the paper, not that that they won't still be my friends, but life gets busy, and we all have our own agenda. I just don't want to lose those relationships. So I guess it is up to me to make sure that doesn't happen.

~ May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future ~


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