Monday, January 28, 2008

Last Week

Well, it's finally here, my last week at the newspaper. I think I'm in denial because I haven't boxed everything up yet. I've been doing a little here and there, but 18 years is a long time...and a lot of stuff! I'm sure I will get to it, maybe Thursday evening. I keep waiting until the last minute. It's difficult to go to an empty office, so I have put it off as long as I can. And the people...they are what I will miss the most. I have a lot of good friends at the paper, not that that they won't still be my friends, but life gets busy, and we all have our own agenda. I just don't want to lose those relationships. So I guess it is up to me to make sure that doesn't happen.

~ May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future ~


Friday, January 25, 2008


How much time and energy do we spend wishing things were how they used to be? We often think about times in our past when things were different and want our lives to be like that again. Some of us have even come to believe that our best days may actually be behind us. But if we’re in some way hung up on the past, what does that mean for our lives now? How are we and those around us affected if we’re not fully present? If we’re longing for the way things used to be, what does that really say about our understanding and appreciation of our lives today? Maybe we need to learn to embrace our past for what it is, in order to live our lives to the fullest, right here, right now. ~ Rob Bell ~

Wow. Really stop and think about that. How many people say, "remember when.....". We sometimes get so caught up in our past, that we can't enjoy what we have right in front of us. I tend to do that. But my problem is the future. I'm a planner so I think about what we're "going" to do, or "need" to do. Sometimes I worry about it so much, that I forget what I'm doing at that moment.

We host a Life Group in our home each week. And each week, we listen to a different Nooma video. If you haven't ever heard Rob Bell speak, you're missing out on something. He is a phenomenal speaker. He makes you really stop and think about life. And to me, he does a great job applying scripture to our day-to-day life. Very real, very raw. There are times when Brett and I will sit together and watch a video by ourselves. Afterwards, you are left speechless...almost numb because the video really hit home.

You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present. ~Jan Glidewell~

Something to really think about "Today".

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
`Leonardo da Vinci`

My life is getting ready to become a lot more simple. Something I'm not sure I've ever experienced, and I've got to say I'm getting pretty excited. Now, I will still be working from home, but it's different. I've spent the past 18 years in media...high pressure, deadline oriented, fast paced. The funny thing is, I loved it! And most of all, I love the people I work with. But four years ago this July, I married the most amazing person and I'm ready to slow down and spend my life with him.

I feel very blessed that God has given me this opportunity. It was funny, when I resigned from my career, a few people told me I would regret it. I would get bored and want to come back. But those who know me...really know me, asked what took me so long. They know how important my family is to me. One of my dear friends who is a VP at the paper said it best.

Companies replace you within weeks... families miss you forever... I think that says it all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

End of an Innocence Era

Part of parenthood is the hardness of watching your children go through stages and enter into others. There is an excitement in this but the tough part probably comes from some kind of insecurity in knowing that while the kids are growing up - it also means that you are too.

Sierra now knows that Santa is not real. While that brings an excitement into the whole new process of teaching what the REAL meaning of Christmas is - it also has a very hollow sense of the end of "childhood" for her. Knowing full well that her childhood is not over by any means, it is just a real sign that she is growing up. Added to that is the way that she found out. Without going into details, it leaves a sense of "stealing the moment".

On another note - JB rode the bus from school today ALL BY HIMSELF. He was adamant. His mom and I were very hesitant, but finally gave in. We won't mention the fact that I still went to the school at the very same time I (we) always do just to sit on the sidelines (out of eyesight of him) and made sure that he got to the bus. Since my lunch hour on the weeks that we have them is usually spent having lunch with him, I decided that I had plenty of extra time. So what did I do? I followed the bus like some insecure, no trusting parent (and loved every minute of it). In fact, I now have pictures on my phone of the back of the bus with our favorite five-year-old being his usual trouble making self playing hide and seek with his new found five or six-year-old friend sitting in the seat in front of him.

I haven't written in a while (much to my wife's dismay). Not sure that I have had anything strong enough to write about until now. It truly seems that today is the end of an innocence era. There will be more eras, but one ended today.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Year, New Challenges

Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch - what make you go beyond the norm.

As most of you already know, I resigned from The Oklahoman last week. After 18 years at one of the best organizations in the state, I knew the timing was right, and every thing was falling into place. It seemed to be a "God" thing.

I am sad to leave, but excited about the challenge ahead of me. Trust me, I won't be sitting at home in my fuzzy slippers and velour sweat suit. I will be working on a new business venture and excited about the possibilities for our family. I'm too driven to "not" work, but I also love the fact that this new position will give me the flexibility to spend more time with my family.

Sometimes you just know the timing is right. God has a way of pushing us out of our "comfort" zone.

I'm up for the challenge!

Our Family