Thursday, December 27, 2007

Glance back on 2007

2007...what a challenging, rewarding year. Financially, it was one of the best year's yet. But that always comes with a price...we also worked the hardest we've ever worked. Both me and Brett had a good year professionally. And so far, 2008 is shaping up to be even better. We have been blessed in that respect.

Also in 2007:
Brandon - retired from baseball. This is the first time since 1989...eighteen years. It's been a really fun, exciting, heartbreaking 18 years, but it all came to an end in April of 2007. It was probably as hard on me as it was on him. Actually, he has grown up so much and seems happier than he's ever been. He met someone, went back to school and has really grown spiritually as well. I'm really proud of him and who he has become.
Megan - has a good career, and had Hudson Scott Glen McCormick on May 29, 2007. Hudson was five weeks early (weighing 6 lbs, 13 oz) but his lungs weren't fully developed. He spent 10 days in the hospital on oxygen, but caught up quickly. He is now 7 months old and weighs 22 lbs. He is such a sweet, happy, beautiful baby...and pretty much the center of his Mimi and Pops lives. Megan is a wonderful mother and even better daughter. She is so thoughtful and giving and is always trying to help others.
Sierra - is a SECOND GRADER! I can't believe she is growing up so quickly. She is so smart, kind hearted and always giving in to her little brother, Pierce. She has had a good year with the arrival of her nephew Hudson, she also had a little brother, Eli in March. She is surrounded by boys! Sierra has grown so much this past year and was baptized by her daddy at church camp this past summer.
Pierce - started pre-k in August 2007. He is loving school, and loving life. Pierce is one-of-a-kind, all boy! He tests the limits and pushes the envelope every chance he gets. But we wouldn't have it any other way. He learned to ride a scooter this summer and almost learned to swim by himself. He loves animals and tells me constantly he is going to be an animal doctor.

As a family, we have become more involved in our church. We even host a Life Group each week at our house. Our Life Group is our second family. They are amazing, loving people. I think one thing I will remember the most about 2007, is the Block Party that was organized by Life Church to help the homeless downtown. That was one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences of my life.

This year seems like a whirlwind to me. Everything has been fast and furious. We took many trips - Las Vegas in January, Cruise in March,Mexico in July. We spent a lot of time making improvements to our home. We added a pergola, pool, trampoline, fort for the kids and even added some additional landscaping. We want to make our house a place where the kids want to bring their friends.

Personally, I'm looking forward to 2008. I can't say I like getting older, or like my children getting older, but I like the possibilities ahead of us. We have set our goals high and have a lot of things planned for our lives.

Most of all, we feel blessed. God is good.


Paul/Mary Burleson said...

Thanks for sharing your 2007 look back. You're such a good writer, and I love hearing about you and yours. Every time I visit with you and Brett or read what you've written, I'm amazed at how much you guys accomplish, and with such a great attitude.
We are blessed to be a part of your family.
Here's to 2008 being as exciting and as fulfilling as 2007. Happy New Year!
Mary B. aka Mom

Paul Burleson said...


I say "ditto" to everything Mary said. I like the new look on your blog too. :)


Brett and Kelly Burleson said...

Thanks to both! We had a great Christmas at the Retreat Center. Thank you for making that possible for everyone.

Here's to a GREAT 2008!
Love you guys, Kelly

Our Family