Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a great day! I have 4 beautiful, healthy children and a wonderful husband. What more could I ask for!

We have three trips on the horizon. First, we are going on a 7-day cruise in March with Brett's company. Then sometime in March, we are headed to Arizona for BL's first major league spring training! Then in early June, we are headed to the Riviera Maya in Cancun for Dede's wedding. It's at a beautiful resort. I'm really looking forward to getting away!

Last night, we took Valentine presents over to the little ones and left them on Ali & Jerry's front porch (JB sometimes has a meltdown so we didn't go to the door). Then we called the kids and told them to go look out the front door. We heard them screaming on the was great! JB gets on the phone and thanks us for the gifts and then asks daddy why he didn't leave him a dollar. haha

We have a new baseball player in the house. Starting in March, JB is now signed up to play tee-ball and Brett is one of the coaches. JB's best friend, Jack, is also on the team and his dad, Matt, will help Brett coach. Matt played at UCO. I think BL is really excited that we are starting him so early, but it is very low-key. They only play seven games and they don't even keep score. This is only to give them a sense of the game and hopefully they will learn a thing or two in the process. How could they not with that great coaching :) Look at our oldest! We will make sure everyone is aware of the games so they can come watch. Be sure and bring your camera, this one, you won't want to miss!

Everything else is great. I am very blessed with a wonderful husband and father. I must have done something right to deserve all of this!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Paul/Mary Burleson said...

Be sure and let Grams and Papaw know when Pierce's games are. They will be so fun to watch. Hope we can at least see a couple.

Reminds me of Wade's first baseball game as a very young child. He hit the ball and didn't then know what to do. He just looked around and everyone was yelling, Run! Run! Run! but he didn't know where to run. We actually have an old home movie of that game. Now it makes me laugh and laugh to think about it. Lots of good memories.

No telling what Pierce will do. This will be good entertainment.
MB/aka Grams

Brett and Kelly Burleson said...

He is very excited and even went with dad today to get a new bat. Of course, he has decided he wants to be the KC Royals and be #12. Hmmm...wonder where he got that! :) I'm a little afraid of what he might do if he "doesn't" hit the ball. Hopefully he will just have fun and learn a few things in the process.

YES, you will be the first to get the schedule. I spent many days at the baseball field and I'm excited to be starting all over again. Who knows, this may be our next MLB player...then again, maybe he'll want to run track. As long as he's having fun, that's all that matters.

Take care. Glad you're blogging again!

Our Family