Monday, September 25, 2006

Great Lunch!

We went and picked up Pierce today at lunch and had so much fun! I left work early and stopped by McDonald's (JB's favorite place to eat). Then I picked Brett up from work and we headed to the daycare. When we got there,he was SO excited to see us and couldn't wait to go to lunch. We took him to a park and played on the playground and then walked over to the pond. He and dad always love to throw rocks and see how far they can throw. He thinks dad is the strongest man alive and can throw farther than anybody (and I think he's right).

Pierce was so good and we had a great lunch with him! I think we will go to school and have lunch with Sierra one day this week. We left her a note in her cubby so she would know she wasn't left out.

Just a brief glimpse of our day!


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