Saturday, September 30, 2006

Live, Love & Laugh....

I think that would have to be the three words that best describe our lives. We live life to the fullest, we love our family unconditionally and we are constantly laughing at something the kids have done.

Last night we took JB to a birthday party at Pump It Up. It was Bella's party. She was turning 4 years old and is in JB's class at One Step. We had a blast! By the time JB, Sierra, dad and me all played on all the inflatables, we were worn out.

Today, Megan came over around 7:30am to borrow the Tahoe. She and some of her friends were driving to Gainsville for the day. Don't ask me why, but I think just for something to do. I was up playing with JB and he was so excited to see his sister. He ran and hugged her over and over. It made her day :)

Once everyone was up, the girls went to the mall. We had our nails done first, then we did a little shopping. We bought JB some Van's, picked up dad's jeans (that were being altered) and bought invitations for Sierra's birthday party that we're having at our house. It was a very productive day.

The boys hung out and did a little shopping of their own. JB has been very good about sleeping in his own bed so dad bought him some new lego's. He loves building things.

The kid's are in bed and Brett has about 8 guys over playing poker, ping pong and darts in the garage. I love it when we have people over.

Tomorrow is more of the same. Just hanging out, playing with the kids and having fun. I waited 17 years for this...and believe me, it was worth the wait. I have four of the sweetest children and couldn't have asked for a better husband. I've truly been blessed.

This week will be a busy week. Tuesday is Brandon's 23 birthday. Wednesday is my grandmother Mary's 89th birthday and Mary's birthday (sorry Mary, I was afraid to quote an age because I'm really not sure). Wednesday Brett is leaving out of town for a business conference and Friday we're meeting each other in Phoenix to visit Brandon. Whew...going to be fast and furious!

Hope everyone is having as much fun as we are!


Monday, September 25, 2006

Great Lunch!

We went and picked up Pierce today at lunch and had so much fun! I left work early and stopped by McDonald's (JB's favorite place to eat). Then I picked Brett up from work and we headed to the daycare. When we got there,he was SO excited to see us and couldn't wait to go to lunch. We took him to a park and played on the playground and then walked over to the pond. He and dad always love to throw rocks and see how far they can throw. He thinks dad is the strongest man alive and can throw farther than anybody (and I think he's right).

Pierce was so good and we had a great lunch with him! I think we will go to school and have lunch with Sierra one day this week. We left her a note in her cubby so she would know she wasn't left out.

Just a brief glimpse of our day!


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Life Update

We haven't done a very good job lately keeping everyone informed. But then again, there hasn't been a lot to talk about.

Brandon is in Arizona and we talk to him daily. He is having a good time, but said it is tough. They are at the field by 7am every morning and work on defense half the day, and offense the other half. He should be home at the end of October. He will probably split his time between our house and his dads until he leaves for spring training. The kids love it when he is here. Before he left, Brandon and Pierce rented a PS2 race car game and Pierce tells me he won. That may be questionable. Sierra cried and cried when he left, but BL hugged her and said he would be back soon. It's so great to see our four children together.

I took Megan shopping today and we had a great time together. She has decided that she wants to give her 6 month notice at the apartment and move back home. She's not sure if she will live with us, or her dad. I'm sure she and BL will coordinate something between the two of them.

We don't have Sierra and Pierce this week and we really miss them. We went today and bought pumkins and some decorations to put out for Fall. We actually had them all week last week (no island visit) and Pierce was SO good. He even kept his apple up all week at daycare. That means he went the entire day without getting into trouble!!! I think that visit during the week really messes up his routine. As hard as it is to go an entire week without seeing them, it is so much better on them to have consistency in their schedule. I'm sure we will go get them for lunch one day this week.

Tuesday we have to go to a funeral. Scott's wife Sharon lost her father, Harvey, this past week. He was in his 60's and passed away suddenly of a heart attack while playing golf with his son. Unfortnately, they were in Europe when it happened so I believe they were just able to get him home on Friday or Saturday. It has really been hard on Sharon because she was very close to Harvey. Please keep them in your prayers.

Brett and I worked a promotion (Philharmonic) at the State Fair Friday and Saturday. It was a great show and we had a lot of fun. The nice thing about my job is it allows us to do a lot of things that we probably wouldn't get to do otherwise.

Hope everyone is doing well. We're just working and enjoying life! Keep us posted on what is going on in your life.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


What a weekend! Brandon got home on Friday and will be here until Thursday. He looks great and is happy to be home. We picked up Sierra & Pierce after school on Friday and they have been great! We have played non-stop and went to see Incredibles on Ice Saturday afternoon. This is the third year we have had front row seats and they were awesome. Today we went over to my moms for a get-together with my great-aunt and her family. Brandon and Megan both came over to eat lunch with us and then Sierra left with Megan and didn't get home until 7:30pm tonight. They have a lot of fun together. When we got home, dad ran to the store so I took JB on a scooter ride around the neighborhood. We have a "special" place where we look for coyote tracks (at least thats what JB thinks they are).

How great to have the whole family home. Sierra and Pierce couldn't stop hugging Brandon and he loved it.

Oh yeah, gotta love my husband. He is in watching Dallas play football. On which tv you ask? Yes, we now have 10 tv's at our house. If they aren't on disney, they are on baseball or football.

Hope everyone has a great week. Brandon leaves on Thursday to go to Surprise, AZ for Instructional League. He will be gone about a month and then home until February. How lucky are we to have four healthy, happy children. God is good.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Enjoying Life

We are really enjoy our lives. This past week me and Brett have spent a lot of time together just having fun and relaxing. We did have the kids on Tuesday night and that was fun. Then Wednesday night was our first Life Group. We decided when we built our house we wanted to break off from our current group and open our home and host our own Life Group. So far, it's just the two of us, but we have started inviting friends and neighbors for the future. We went ahead and had Life Group yesteray and watch the DVD "Disciples" and followed Craig's was awesome and gave us a chance to sit and talk and open up spiritually. God has really worked in our lives, but especially in Brett's. He is such a great spiritual leader for our family and I really admire him for that.

Tonight, we are just enjoying our last evening together and listening to BL's game. It is the second game of the Championship series and they are down 0-1. If they lose tonight, he will be home tomorrow afternoon. He will leave again Sept 21 for Instuctional League in Arizona, but we will have a few days to spend with him. (:)

Megan is doing great, but she has been sick. She finally went to the dr. today and has sinusitis(sp). She sounds horrible, but says she is feeling better after getting several prescriptions today.

We pick up the little ones tomorrow after school and we have tickets for Incredibles on Ice Saturday. We have seats on the first row...close enough to touch the characters. They are VERY excited and have come to expect these great seats! haha

Hope everyone has a great weekend and we'll try and do a better job keeping our blog current.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Extreme Games

What a great holiday weekend! We had the kids this past weekend and decided we needed more to do (like we don't have enough in our lives already). So we went and purchased an electric scooter, skateboard and more knee,elbow and wrist pads for JB. Sierra already has some and they both have helmets. About a month ago we bought both kids a "push" scooter, but I told Brett we really needed an electric scooter to ride around the neighborhood (when we go down the street to pick up kids at their friends house)...I actually just wanted a scooter:) What a BLAST we've had so far. Bright and early Monday morning, Pierce woke up and came in and crawled in bed with us. I asked if he wanted to go ride the scooter and so we jumped out of bed, left Brett and Sierra still asleep and we rode around the neighborhood. He still had on his Batman pj's and we had the best time. The weather was great, sun coming up and he just talked up a storm. Now of course, the first injury would be me...I fell off the skateboard and bruised my wrist. It was actaully pretty funny and I'm so thankful the neighbors didn't see. Brett tried really hard not to laugh, but I caught him out of the corner of my eye and then he was sympathetic because he thought I had broke it.

I think I mentioned before that the kids have a new friend, Will down the street. He got a new electric Hummer so Sierra and Pierce have been riding around the neighborhood in their white Porshe with Will in his Hummer. It's hilarious because JB always insists on driving and never pays attention. So if you ever wonder what we're doing on the weekends, just stop by...I'm sure you'll find us playing outside.

Tune in next week to see what new toy we have :)


Our Family