Monday, August 21, 2006

SBs First Day at School

Kelly and I took Sierra to school for her first ever day of "real" school (she has informed us that Kindergarten is not "real school"). We met her teacher and walked her into her classroom. We found out that Monica (her best friend from our neighborhood - see bottom pictue over Sierra's right shoulder) is in her class, so that made Sierra seem to relax from the beginning - just knowing someone else in her class.

While we were waiting to go into her classroom surrounded by two hundred children ages five to twelve, I realized how lucky I am that I am not teaching elementary school anymore for my vocation. Not that I don't love kids, but there is just so much that a person can take (especially when they are only in the profession to coach instead of teach). Kelly got a little emotional about Sierra being in big school and I consoled her by putting my arm around her and saying that I would probably be a little emotional as well except for the fact that I was saying a thankful prayer that I didn't have to deal with 150 different "huge" problems from little munchkins every day. I know, a little insensitive, but I couldn't help it.

Regardless, it was a good start to a big day and Sierra didn't seem to be apprehensive at all. After we picked her up, she really seemed to have enjoyed her first day and has had a good start to what seems will be an exceptional year for her. (She informed us that she is already going to be the line leader tomorrow which feeds her competitive spirit well. Her class is in trouble!)

She met her music teacher today and will meet her PE teacher tomorrow. By the way, she loves her first grade teacher Mrs Hale. Kelly and I will meet her tomorrow at lunch for our first parent teacher conference.

Momentous day indeed.


1 comment:

Brett and Kelly Burleson said...

Don't let him fool you, he was between saying his prayers he teared up a little. :)

Sierra looked so cute and she was so excited. It's fun to go through this all over again. I think this time I'm going to really stop and enjoy every second!


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