Friday, August 25, 2006

First week of School

Well we got through the first week of school and Sierra still loves it! The second day of school, Sierra was the "line leader" for PE...that's our girl!

Pierce has made a new friend in the neighborhood, Will. He is six years old and always comes down to see if Pierce can play. It's pretty funny because he's Sierra's age, but wants to play with JB. Pierce loves it and acts like he's six when he's around him.

Megan was at our house at 4:30am this morning. Brett took she and Leah to the airport to catch a flight to Cancun. She should be there now and hopefully enjoying herself. Scares me too death for her to be traveling right now, but she is going to be 20 years old on Sunday so I guess I've got to get used to it.

I'm listening to BL's game as I'm typing. They are in Helena, WA and the announcer said it is cold there. The guys all have on sleeves under their uniform. A little different than this 105 degrees we're having here! Although, I'll take the heat over cold any day. BL plays tomorrow night and is still loving every minute of it.

We had a great week with Sierra and Pierce, but tonight, we're taking it easy. I think we mentioned it before, but both me and Brett had a change in our jobs this past week with increased responsibility, which means more work, more hours.

We're planning A LOT of R&R this weekend. Nothing planned, just whatever happens, happens.


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