Sunday, May 21, 2006

Tough Weekend

We got home around 7:00pm tonight. This weekend was tough. Brandon had a good series playing, but Saturday was the last college game he will ever play and that was emotionally tough for all of us. Before the game they had senior day ceremonies and players escorted their parents onto the field. I made it through without really breaking down until I saw BL break down and that was all it took. Sunday morning we packed up his stuff and headed for OKC around 7am. It was a long drive and not a lot was said. I think he realizes a lot will happen in the next 15 days. The draft starts June 6th and goes to the 7th. He is still hoping to go in the draft and will try to stay busy to keep his mind off of it until it happens. We'll keep you posted.

Hope everyone had a great weekend despite the hot weather. I had a great time with Brett in Las Cruces.


1 comment:

Paul/Mary Burleson said...

I'm excited about the possibilities in the draft. It is like a great sports arena..there is no bad seat....there is no bad round in the draft.
I know you guys had to be exhausted, glad you made the trip safely.


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