Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Brief Update...

Just wanted to give everyone a brief update on ML, SB & JB. Seems like we're always posting baseball stuff, but this is our way to keep everyone informed during BL's senior year. But there are so many things going on with the other three as well.

Megan just got promoted to shift manager at the retail store where she works. She loves working. She has also interviewed at Brett's office and has gone through a phone and personal interview and is waiting to hear back. She is really excited.

SB is enjoying her first year of school. She is so much fun and has a new friend in our neighborhood that she plays with all the time. Last night she and I played "slap jack" with the new Cinderella cards we got her in New Mexico. Let's just say she inherited her dad's competitive nature.

JB is so funny. When I picked him up from daycare yesterday the afternoon teacher told me he must have gone to time-out that morning because he didn't have a star on his daily sheet. He tried endlessly to convince me that he didn't go to time-out until SB confirmed the story because she saw him there when she was reading with a buddy. Once he knew he was busted, he finally gave in and said he had gone to time-out. Brett asked him later who put him in time-out and he just looked at him and said, "I have no idea" He is such a hoot!

And of course we can't leave Molly out (our 42 lb bulldog) she is loving the new house and the heated floors. In her is good.


1 comment:

Brett and Kelly Burleson said...

You say that like being competitive is a bad thing! That is what our country was made from - hard work and a competitive spirit. j/k - Let's just hope JB stays out of time out today.... BB

Our Family