Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Career Day

Our trip to New Mexico was a memorable one. We couldn't have picked a better weekend for our first trip of the 2006 season. Before the game started, I visited with a scout from one of the MLB teams (my favorite since being JB's age) who had seen BL play on Tuesday and was back for another evaluation. Brandon hit the ball hard his first three times up, but had nothing (as far as stats) to show for it. His fourth time up he got a basehit (which brought his hitting streak to three games - it is now standing at five games). At the time, the game was getting out of hand, as Washington was beating NMSU 7-3, so the base hit at least brought something good to the table. They extended their lead to 11-3 in the top of the eighth and it was getting hard to watch. A couple of hits and walks later, NMSU had gotten the lead down to 4 (11-7) and had the bases loaded with BL at the plate. It was intense. He hit a "no-doubter" over the scoreboard in left to tie the game (they ended up winning in the bottom of the eleventh 11-12). When I say no-doubter, I mean it was the type where everyone was off of their seats before it left the infield. The type where he could have stayed in the box until it came down on the softball field. But he didn't, he just gave an extra flip of his bat. It was amazing.

After some of the euphoria had settled down, the scout walked by Kelly, Scott (BL's dad) and me and said, "I bet that was exciting for you guys", we all agreed, and he said, "Well, I got it on film" as he held up his video camera. It was the "chance" we had all been waiting for, and BL delivered. Many times I have heard of someone getting drafted and hearing after the fact that it happened because of one game or one at bat. If (when) he gets drafted this June, and if it is with that organization, I think it may be because of his game on Friday February 10th. He ended up playing all three games of the series and was 5-14. It was a very good weekend and trip.

Megan took the little ones to daycare for us on Friday and we have some funny stories from that morning (although Megan doesn't think they were all that funny because some of them occurred at about 6:15AM, which meant that she was awake that early). She is VERY good with them and we appreciate all that she does. She has a tendency to whip them into shape when we are gone.

Kelly and I treated this weekend as our Valentine's Day. We had a great time getting to see BL play, getting to take him out to eat and spend some time with him, and just getting to relax. Kelly actually read a whole book on the trip. She FLEW through it! I'm very proud of her. She can no longer claim to be a "slow reader".

The trip from El Paso to Dallas is always "bumpy", but I guess the weather front that came through OKC this past week was in Dallas because the flight had extra turbulence and the landing was a little hairy. But we made it....

I'll post some pictures from our trip once I download them tomorrow at work.

Kelly is already in bed, so I am going as well. We are emotionally drained (in a good way).

Best to all of you.

1 comment:

Brett and Kelly Burleson said...

I want to "ditto" Brett's remarks and defend myself a little :)

I only claim to be a slow reader because everytime I open a book someone yells, "momma" and I end up putting it down. And yes, it was one of the most relaxing, rewarding weekends we've had in a long time. And with everything we've had going on in our lives this past year, well deserved.

I couldn't be more proud of BL. Not just for how he played this weekend, but watching him interact with other adults or coaches at the game. I used to think it was difficult to see your children grow up, but now I look at them and think how lucky we are to have two grown children who are very responsible. Now, if we can just keep Batman on track our job as parents will be complete.

Brett took some really good pictures at the game. Thank you to everyone who is keeping up with BL through our blog or the NMSU website. This is going to be an exciting year!


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