Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Hey blogger world! I haven't posted in so long...but had a few things on my mind, and really enjoy blogging about them. Most of my time is spent in the "business" blogging world - but I sure miss our personal blog! Just a few thoughts today...

Webster defines manipulation as: to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage: to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose.

Have you ever known someone who constantly manipulates a situation to fit his/her own purpose? Whether it be for their own self gain, or to make themselves look better in another person/child's eye?

I've thought a lot about manipulation lately and how hurtful and damaging it can be to those around you. The "manipulator" probably doesn't see the damage they are doing. And at times, I would say manipulation is controlling a situation or others for selfish reasons. But when you really get down to it, manipulation usually involves lying. If you are telling someone something for your "own" good or gain - you are usually twisting the truth to serve your own purpose.

We've all dealt with someone who is a manipulator at some point in our lives. My first reaction is to feel sorry for them. What a terribly painful life that must be to be in constant denial. My second thought is...shame on you for using others or trying to make others look bad to make yourself look better.

I'm not saying I have never been guilty of this myself...we are only human. Just want to be mindful how my actions effect those around me. And hopefully if I really think about my actions before I say or do anything - it will help me in dealing with others.

Our Family