Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to our Sweet 6 year old!

On Thursday, November 27th, Pierce turned six years old. Can you believe it? It seems like yesterday he was a baby. Since he was unfortunate enough this year to have his "actual" birthday on Thanksgiving day, we decided to make it a "week long" party. He didn't have any objections to that! :) We started with a day for the "boys" on Saturday. His best friend Jack came over around noon and they played all day. Pierce has so much fun playing at home, that he really didn't want to go anywhere. Sierra helped me decorate the house with streamers and balloons, and we also had a big chocolate chip cookie cake for him. Later in the day, he and Jack played at McDonald's, then we all went to see Bolt the new Disney movie. After the movie, Pierce opened presents and we all had cake and ice cream and Jack slept over. Turned out to be a really fun day and one that Pierce has talked about all week. On Tuesday night, Pierce, Will (his "other" best friend) Brett and Will's dad Andy all went to play Laser Tag. They had a blast! Although, I'm not sure who had more fun - the boys or the dads?? I stayed home with Sierra and we made homemade pizza and watched the movie Home Alone 3. Fun night! Will stayed over Tuesday night because there was no school on Wednesday for the Thanksgiving break. Wednesday evening we headed to the Retreat Center in Norman where we spent most of our Thanksgiving with Brett's family. We stayed until 10pm that evening - and again Will was able to go with Pierce...another fun night! Thursday, which was his birthday, we went to my grandmothers for lunch...she made Pierce a cake and we all sang Happy Birthday. We then headed to my mom's where she had more presents...and then off to the Retreat Center to spend the night. What Pierce didn't realize was we had already called Will's dad to see if we could go pick him up so he could spend the night with Pierce again at the Retreat Center. When we picked Will up, the boys watched Santa Claus 2 and The Grinch that stole Christmas in the car and laughed all the way there. At the Retreat Center, Pierce opened more presents, everyone sang Happy Birthday and then he had birthday cake. Talk about a birthday! Hope he doesn't expect a week long birthday party every year! haha

It was really fun and the kids had a great time. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Pierce and Jack

Pierce making a wish

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Ever notice how you run across people in your life that seem to be obsessed with you? I mean, no matter what you do, where you go, or even the people you associate yourself with, there they are. Trust me, we know the feeling. Seems like these people (whom will remain anonymous) are obsessed with everything we do. Everywhere we turn, there they are. Whether it is at church, with family, or even the circle of friends we have…they find a way to involve themselves. My mother tells me it is a “form of flattery” – I say admire us less. It’s not that we don’t like them - it’s just that sometimes you would like some privacy and a life of your own.

Makes you wonder if your life is just that interesting … or they just don't have a life. Guess we’ll never know, and I guess we should just enjoy life and hope some day they will find something more interesting than our lives.

Hope your life is “obsession” FREE!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ready for the COLD

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weather to change. Don't get me wrong, I love the warm weather - swimming, playing outside with the kids, taking walks, etc... But now that the holidays are here, it just doesn't seem like Thanksgiving or Christmas with 70 degree weather. I could do without the ice storms, but bring on the snow! Guess we'll get a dose of it tomorrow. Cold, not snow. My poor plants can't decide whether to bloom, or shrivel up and die. And I just don't have the heart to dig them up when their still blooming.

Then there's my wardrobe. I'm so confused. I changed closets and put my summer clothes up and pulled out my winter clothes... but I look ridiculous running around in sweaters when it's 70+ degrees. So bring it on, I'm ready for sweater weather.

Have a great "chilly" Thursday!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Okay, okay...

I've already changed the blog. I decided I would wait until at least after Thanksgiving before putting the Christmas colors in your face :) For now...this is a little more subtle.

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Hudson spent the night with us last night. We had SO much fun! He played outside on the slide, fort, and in his sandbox. Once the sun went down - which is REALLY early now, he watched football with Pops (photo below), and also went outside to see the fire Pop built in the firepit (photo right). He was so cute in his little jammies, stocking cap and house shoes.

The picture below is of him sweeping the floor. He loves to sweep!! Funny thing is, those are JB's Spiderman boxers and white shirt. It's hard to believe Hudson is already in his clothes.

Can't wait to see him at Christmas. This will be his first "real" Christmas. Last year he was really too young to know what was going on.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tis the Season!

I thought I would change our blog to get everyone in the holiday spirit!

I can't believe Thanksgiving is around the corner...but even more so, that it is almost 2009! Where does the time go?

Here's to a wonderful holiday season!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our Beautiful Grandson...

Just wanted to share!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


This was in an email someone sent me this morning...

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.

Some people are sad, and even scared about our new President. What is done, is done and hopefully everyone will support him and do what we can to turn things around and make them right. There were a lot of African-American people that were overcome with joy last night. I have no idea how they feel because I'm not in their shoes. What I do know, is we have the freedom to vote...THANK GOD, we have the freedom to vote. And more people turned out to vote in this historic election than ever in our history. SO, if electing our first African-American President is what it took to make that happen, maybe it will make an impact on our young children and they will someday vote and realize the impact that has in our day-to-day lives. I was amazed at the number of young people I heard say - I'm not going to vote because I don't like either candidate. How sad...they have the right and the freedom, but they don't exercise it. Hopefully if there is anything this election did, it is to open the eyes of everyone and help them understand that we are ONE, and we all have the right and the privilege to vote. You may not like the outcome, but at least we all had the opportunity to be heard. I don't know about you, but I was proud to wear my "I VOTED" sticker yesterday. And I didn't mind standing in line for 1-1/2 hours. And I watched until the final speeches were made. It feels good to be able to say you were a part of history last night. Either way, whatever the outcome, it was historical. I hope everyone will see the good, overlook any hatred or negative thoughts, and speak only good things to our young children about the new President of the United States. It's important that we all come together - especially now.

Our Family