Monday, January 30, 2006

Life is Good

We are so blessed. God is good, baseball season starts next Friday, all of the kids are healthy and strong, we are in our new home, and we are both married to our best friends. We used to say "lucky" - now we say blessed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Family Matters

Just a quick update on the goings on.

Brandon - For those of you that don't know (or haven't lost sleep staying up into the wee hours of the night) - PS2 (PlaySation2) just came out with their first ever NCAA Baseball game. In short, BL is the catcher for New Mexico State and appears to be highly rated on the game. We found out last week that he made the pre-season All WAC Team, and then just found out tonight that he will be on the radio in a live interview tomorrow. It's going to be a fast and furious (starting next week)senior year and we are going to make it to as many games as possible.... Frequent Flyer Miles - here we come.

Megan - We are so glad that she has moved back in with us. The little ones love having their big sister home. She is starting her second semester in college and has gone back to work at the daycare. She seems to be struggling with deciding exactly what direction she wants to take in school and we are trying to help her understand that everyone seems to go through that their first year.

SB - She is in Kindergarden and is doing very well. She'll be reading this by herself later. You would think that she is sixteen instead of six because she has her own email and checks it three times a day. Of course, we are the only ones that ever send her anything.

JB - Is into Superheroes and has tagged us all as a character. Dad is Superman, Mom is Wonderwoman, Brandon is Spiderman, Megan is Catwoman and SB is Superwoman. Oh yeah, Pappaw claimed the hulk for himself (and JB went along). He keeps things interesting (to say the least).

We are enjoying our new home and new life whenever we are not working. God has really blessed us and we are grateful.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Burlesons

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A New Beginning in a New Domain

This is our first blog in our new house and we want this to be a place where our friends and family can keep up with us. We'll post as often as possible.

Our Family